NYC Sedation Dentistry Helps You Relax and Reduces Anxiety

Relieve Dental Anxiety in Upper West Side

Fear and anxiety can keep many patients from exploring the different treatment options available to help their smiles reach their full potential. Luckily, for Manhattan dental patients near Midtown, Dr. Beshar is highly trained in the science of sedation dentistry.

Although sometimes called “sleep dentistry, ” sedation dentistry doesn’t typically make you unconscious; instead, it relaxes you, helping you remain calm and pain-free while receiving IV sedation. The medication is extremely safe and has an amnesic effect; you will remember very little after the procedure, so it is the perfect solution for fearful patients at our office, conveniently located near Lincoln Center and Columbus Circle.

What Are My Sedation Dentistry Options?

Just coming into our inviting, warm, and comfortable Midtown NYC dental office is relaxing—we strive to maintain a low-stress environment for all of our patients. 

However, for those whose anxiety may be a little higher, we offer the following sedation dentistry techniques to help you relax:

Don’t let fear keep you from having the smile you deserve. Sedation dentistry is becoming increasingly popular as it allows patients to take steps to have the beautiful, healthy smile they’ve always wanted. Midtown sedation dentist Dr. Marc Beshar has many years of experience providing conscious sedation services to dental patients throughout Manhattan.

What Are The Various Type Of Sedation Dentistry?

Consulting with your dentist to know the type of sedation to be administered is always crucial for the patients.

The following are some of the types of sedation dentistry;

Oral Sedation

Also known as conscious sedation, this type of sedation is mostly beneficial to patients with a higher level of anxiety.

Before visiting a dentist, you are prescribed a pill you take the night before and an hour before you have the dental procedure. This depends on your case and the dentist’s directions.

The dentist conducts the procedure while you are awake, but you will remember little or nothing during and after the appointment.

In most cases, your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate are monitored mostly depending on factors your doctor will determine. Sometimes, you don’t require such monitoring as you may not have any other health conditions.

Though the sedatives will leave you sleepy, the oral sedation will not have any effects the following day.

Laughing Gas

This gas is a sedative agent that effectively manages anxiety and pain during the dental treatment procedure.

During the procedure, the doctor gives you a nose apparatus to breathe the gas and breathe regularly. Within a minute, the patient feels the effect but stays conscious.

You may feel tingly, light-headed, or heavy in your legs and arms, but you should be completely comfortable throughout the entire procedure.

The advantage here is that the laughing gas works quickly in relaxing the patient, and the effect wears off extremely fast when you breathe in the oxygen.

IV Sedation

The IV sedation helps you feel relaxed during an appointment with your dentist. Though the method makes you less aware of your environment, including what the doctor is doing in your mouth, it does not put you to sleep fully.

Unlike oral conscious sedation and moderate sedation, here, the patient can still respond to verbal commands and does not require any help to breathe. The other benefit that comes with this procedure is that patients can cooperate for a long time. This extended period allows the dentist to perform multiple procedures in one appointment.

What Is the Cost Of Sedation Dentistry?

The cost of sedation is always determined by the type of sedation used and the level of sedation. 

The type of prescription drug is also another factor that may determine the cost of sedation. The prices of drugs may vary.

The team of dentists you select in administering your treatment may also determine the amount you, as a patient, are going to pay. When you chose more qualified dentists, you may be forced to dig deep into your pocket to pay for the services. Other factors are insurance and location.

Let no fear hinder you from your original smile and fresh breath you really admire or that you once had. Dental phobia should, by this time, be a thing in the past. Visiting your dentist for regular check-ups, dental care and, dental treatments should be your top priority.

Give Manhattan sedation dentist Dr. Marc Beshar a call in our NYC office today to discuss your sedation dentistry needs.

Discuss Your Sedation Dentistry Needs