Smoking, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle are common risk factors that most people associate with heart disease. However, the most recent research has established a connection between oral health and cardiovascular disease. According to the researchers, most patients who suffer from gum disease stand a higher risk for heart disease.

What’s The Link Between Oral Health And Heart Diseases?

Research has established the connection between dental health and heart disease. Below are the findings of the research:

  • A study conducted in 2014 showed that patients who received good oral care for their gum disease have a lower chance of suffering from cardiovascular disease.
  • According to data from Harvard Health, it shows that individuals with gum disease- are more likely to have major cardiovascular events, heart attacks, and strokes.
  • Almost 50% of adults have gum disease- also known as periodontal disease.
  • Other studies show that people with periodontal disease have a higher chance of developing heart disease than people without gum disease.

There is a strong connection between oral health and heart disease. However, is it possible for periodontal disease to cause cardiovascular issues?

The Correlation Between Gum Disease and Heart Disease

Various chronic problems like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, or heart attack link directly to poor oral health. However, no logical and clear research shows the direct cause and effect of this correlation. Although according to research by Dr. Virani, a professor of medicine in cardiology and cardiovascular notes, there’s a link between the two.

There have been several theories that health experts used to link the two diseases. One of the research theories suggests that the bacteria that cause gum disease are the same bacteria that damage the blood vessels and hearts. The bacteria can enter your bloodstream from the mouth and travel to any other part of your body organ like the heart.

Another theory suggests that gum disease causes chronic inflammation in your mouth. Your body naturally responds to injury or infection through inflammation. One has a higher chance of suffering from heart disease if the inflammation gets chronic. An individual bloodstream will have inflammatory markers, which will lead to blood vessel narrowing and raising your cardiovascular risk.

Most researchers find it challenging to link the direct relationship between oral health and cardiovascular disease. Several reasons make it harder for researchers to pinpoint this connection. We have various systematic diseases that equally contribute to heart diseases, other than poor oral health and periodontal disease. Some of these diseases are obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Also, patients who smoke are more likely to suffer from both diseases.

According to the American heart association and the American dental association, with poor health habits like eating unhealthy foods, smoking is the top reason for various health problems, e.g., gum and heart disease. Moreover, if you seek regular dental care, have a healthy lifestyle, you have greater possibilities of having a healthy heart and perfect oral health.

It would take several random studies to shed more light on the connection between heart and oral health.

Incredible Tips On How To Prevent Gum Diseases

Good oral hygiene is one of the effective ways every individual needs to consider preventing gum and heart diseases.

Severe periodontal may lead to irreversible bone loss. However, one can stabilize the condition. According to medical advice given, brushing your teeth at least twice a day lowers the possibility of inflammation.

Are you having increased risk with your dental and cardiovascular disease? Here are nine essential tips that you can incorporate into your lifestyle to ensure you maintain healthy teeth and reduce the risk of contracting heart problems.

Flossing Once A Day Before Going To Bed

So many people dread when they hear about flossing, you are not alone. There are other alternatives to flossing, like a water flosser if truly you don’t enjoy flossing. However, it is essential to follow this medical advice about flossing to help you with eliminating food residues from between your teeth.

Visit Your Dental Doctor Regularly

This is an effective way to establish if you have oral disease. If you are suffering from the disease, your doctor will propose three to four months’ visits for cleaning. Although you might not be having a periodontal problem, they will advise you to visit the dentist twice a year.

Before deciding which toothbrush to use, you may need to contact your dentist. Brushing your teeth twice a day with a soft bristle brush for two minutes is one of the essential tips. For patients with dexterity issues, an electric toothbrush will be a good fit for your oral health.

Avoid Smoking

According to resources and evidence, it proves that smoking increases your risk of health problems. Also, medical reports show that smoking leads to periodontal problems and causes diabetes, heart disease, and specific types of cancer. You need to seek medical help in case you are struggling with smoking.

Seek Help From A Professional Dentist

In case of gum diseases, you need to seek medical help from a professional periodontist. Ensure that your rapport and relationship with your doctor is smooth to have minimal friction conversations on how to improve your oral health. 

Sometimes patients miss their dentist appointments because of the fear of pain and the cost needed. Think of long-term effects on your dental and cardiovascular health other than the cost and pain you will endure during regular check-ups. Always remember that dentists can prevent 97% of gum-related diseases.

Control Your Stress Levels

Managing and controlling your stress levels is one of the effective ways that help you guard your immune system. Meditation, regular physical activities, yoga, and enough play a significant role in calming your mind and reducing your stress levels.

Ensure You Have Regular Visits

Don’t get alarmed in case you have a gum-related disease. It only raises your risk of conducting the disease, but that doesn’t mean that you will suffer from a heart attack or stroke—regular check-ups with your primary care doctor help prevent serious problems. Your doctor will monitor your cholesterol, blood sugar, and labs and address the early symptoms of any chronic disease.

Be Aware Of Yourself And Know When It’s Time To See A Periodontist

Besides having regular check-ups, it is best to determine conditions that will need a dentist overview. 

Here are a few potential problems that you should not ignore:

  • Receding gums
  • Bad breath
  • loose teeth
  • Bleeding gums

Eat A Balanced Diet

Did you know your diet can affect your oral health and overall health? Low-fat diaries, less sugar, enough vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and enough water are some foods you need to incorporate into your diet.

Although researchers have challenges in finding the exact link, oral health and heart disease have a close connection. American dental association advises diagnosis or treatment in case you have inflammation in your mouth. 

To achieve perfect oral hygiene, you need to seek dental health services from specialized dentists. Doing this offers early prevention of tooth loss, stroke, and other related infections.

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